jag har hittat en intressant text om meditation:
This may seem like a digression at first, but it’s not.
The first question I asked was essentially “why would someone who doesn’t ‘believe’ in the Law of Attraction organize a course about it?”
Why doesn’t it matter?
Before I answer that, there’s a little bit of history you need to know.
In fact, if you can understand this, you will understand what I feel to be one of the most important distinctions there is.
Here it is …
In 1975 Dr. Herbert Benson MD, an associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, made a profound observation: people who pray tend to be healthier than those who don’t.
Hmmm … Irrefutable proof of god?
Maybe not …
(Warning: I sincerely hope this doesn’t offend anyone’s religious sensibilities … The purpose of this post is not to make a statement about anyone’s religion one way or another – only to make a point about science – and ultimately the nature of knowledge itself.)
What Dr. Benson observed was that it didn’t matter whether someone was praying to Jesus, Allah, or Buddah – or even if they were meditating rather than praying. What mattered was the act of prayer or meditation – not the target of it.
Now, it wasn’t all prayer that had positive health benefits – it was only prayer that was done in a particular way. (Remember that – it’s important.)
He studied this for years and once he felt he cracked the code he released his findings in a now famous treatise: The Relaxation Response.
So, one did not have to believe in Jesus or Allah (or anything for that matter) to benefit from the methodologies taught by Dr. Benson. One only had to follow the methodology itself.
His relaxation techniques are now prescribed by many MDs around the world as treatment for a variety of illnesses.
Note: they are not just blindly prescribing “prayer” or “meditation” – they are prescribing very specific methodologies that have been proven to work.
It is in this same spirit that I am willing to share with you Dr. Vitale’s work about The Law of Attraction (LOA).
See, I may not be a believer in LOA per se (I don’t believe or disbelieve – I see it as a theory). But I am a believer in “reproducible results.” Simply put: “do this – get this result.”
That’s what a methodology is. It’s a simple process to follow that will bring about a result. (Otherwise we’re not talking about science – we’re talking about voodoo.)
That is exactly what Dr. Vitale teaches: a methodology.
He believes the mechanism at work is LOA. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. That doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that his unique method works – whatever the underlying mechanism.
Now, in the same way that not all prayer or meditation will trigger what Dr. Benson calls the Relaxation Response, not all ways that people practice LOA result in people getting what they want.
For example, I’m personally convinced that if you simply hold an intention in your mind without taking any action on it, the only thing you’ll “attract” is frustration.
Dr. Vitale’s unique methodology seems to elicit an almost effortless flood of massive action from people.
imorgon ses vi först på YOGA 10:30 World Class och sedan fortsätter vi med meditation – till kl 12:15.