Aum Saha Naavavathu Sahanau Bhunaktu Saha Veeryam Kara Vaavahai Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu Maa Vidwishaavahai Aum Shantih Shantih Shantihi
Meaning: May the Lord protect us both, may He nourish us both, may we work together with great vigor (divine strength). May we both acquire brilliance of our intellect through our studies, may we not hate each other. Let there be peace, peace, peace.
Aum Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornam Udachyathe Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameva Vasishyathe.
Meaning: God is perfect (infinite). This Universe is also perfect (infinite). If perfection(infinity) is taken from anything perfect (infifinite) what remains is still perfect (infinite). Let there be peace, peace, peace.
Aum Bhadram Karnebhihi Srunuyaama Devaaha Bhadram Pashyemaa Kshibhirya Jatraaha Sthirai Rangai Stushtuvaamsa Stanoobhihi Vyashema Devahitam Yadaayuhu Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Meaning: Aum Hey Devaas, who are in the form of light, let our ears hear all good things. Hey worshippable Devas, let our eyes see good and holy things. May we spend this life given to us by God in continued prayers to You with a strong body, sound in health.
Sarve Sukhinah Santhu Sarve Santhu Niraamayaah Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu Maa Kaschid Dukhabhaag Bhavet Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Meaning: May all possess happiness. May all be healthy (free from all diseases). May all see beauty. May there be good fortune and no misery anywhere. May there be peace everywhere.
Meaning: Lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace everywhere.
Saanti Mantra (Prayer for Peace)
Aum Dyauh Saantir Antareeksham SaantihPrithvi Saantir Aapah Saantihr Osadhayah SaantihVanaspatayah Saantir Visvedevaah Saantih Brahma SaantihSarvam Saantih Saantih Reva Saantihi.
Meaning: May there be peace in heaven. May there be peace in the sky. May there be peace on earth. May there be peace in the water. May there be peace in the plants. May there be peace in the trees. May there be peace in the Gods. May there be peace in Brahman. May there be peace in all. May that peace, real peace, be mine.
Visvasaanti Praarthana (Prayer for Universal Peace)
Aum Shamno Mitra Sham VarunahaShamno BhavatvaryamaShamna Indro BruhaspatihShamno Vishnu RurukramahaNamo BrahmaneNamaste VaayoTvameva Pratyaksham BrahmaasiTvaameva Pratyaksham Brahma VadisyaamiRutam VadisyaamiTanmaamavatuTad VaktaaramavatuAvatu MaamAum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Meaning: May the sun God Mitra and other Vedic Gods – Varuna, Aryamaa, Indra, Brihaspati and the all pervading Maha Vishnu and all the Devatas shower their Blessings upon us. Salutations to Brahma. Salutations to Vaayu. You are the personfication of Brahma. I shall proclaim thee as Brahma. I shall always abide by Dharma (righteousness). I shall always speak the truth. May that protect us all. Aum Peace, peace, peace.